Monday, September 12, 2011

Long Live Steve Biko! Long Live the African Revolution!

On September 12, 1977, Steve Biko, a leader in the African Liberation Movement, was killed while held in police custody by the government of Occupied Azania (South Africa).

Steve Biko was a leading figure in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa in the 1960s and 1970s. Biko founded the Black Consciousness Movement, which mobilized the African working class to struggle for power in their own hands.

In 1977, Biko was arrested, tortured, and beaten to death by police.

As Fred Hampton Sr, another slain African revolutionary, once famously remarked, "You can kill a revolutionary, but you cannot kill the revolution."

Today, over 30 years after the assassinations of Biko, Hampton, and so many other courageous warriors for African freedom, the movement for the liberation of Africa and African people lives on through the Uhuru Movement led by Chairman Omali Yeshitela and the African People's Socialist Party. 

The Uhuru Movement is uniting African people around the world in the struggle for justice, freedom, and self-determination.

It is leading the work to build programs for African self-reliance across the US as well as in Europe, South America and the continent of Africa, where AAPDEP, the development wing of the Uhuru Movement, is spearheading a project to build a birth clinic in Sierra Leone. 

This is a call for genuine solidarity with the programs of the Uhuru Movement.

The Uhuru Solidarity Movement is an organization of white people and other allies of African liberation, working directly under the leadership of the African People's Socialist Party.

As white people who have benefited from imperialist genocide and slavery, we believe that taking an active stand for reparations from the white community is the most honest and progressive way to join the masses of humanity in the creation of a new world of peace through justice. 

To honor the living legacy of African liberation embodied by martyrs like Biko and carried into the new generation by the African freedom fighters of the Uhuru Movement, Take The Pledge of Solidarity With African People and make a donation today. 

The highest expression of solidarity with the revolutionary struggles of the oppressed is material solidarity. 

This is why we must Take the Pledge of Solidarity with African People and build "A Day in Solidarity with African People" all over the US, Europe and the rest of the world!

Reparations Now! Solidarity, not charity! 
Take the Pledge!
Forward to "A Day in Solidarity with African People"! 

Join the Uhuru Solidarity Movement!

1 comment:

morgan malilo nyanga said...

i strongly feel and believe that the spirits of Biko, Sankara, Lumumba and other great men of African people including the maroons will never rest in this 21TH CENTURY. Africa should rule the world in this century.i believe that we are living in a time when Africa shall attain its economic independence without support of this long live African Revolution, the university of Zambia students founded a Pan-African Youth Movement(PAMOYO-UNZA) on 7th May,2011 and it was approved by the University on 29th July,2011. as Marcus said that rise ye mighty people for you can achieve what you will. those words will surely come to pass. posted by Morgan Malilo Nyanga.