Monday, May 23, 2011

From the Freedom Rides to the Freedom Summer, the Movement Lives On!

From the Freedom Rides to the Freedom Summer, the Movement Lives On!

Come to “Resistance is the Future” on June 4-5 in Philadelphia, PA to find out how you can be involved in the historic Freedom Summer Project. “Resistance is the Future” is the national convention of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement (USM), an organization of Euro-Americans and other allies of the African Liberation Movement who work under the leadership of the African People's Socialist Party to build material solidarity and reparations to Africa and the African community in the US and around the world. Register today to get on board with the ongoing struggle for freedom and justice!

History is not a thing of the past – the struggle continues

Freedom Riders, 1961

Nearly a half-century after the courageous Freedom Riders rode into the segregated Jim Crow south to take a stand against the oppression of the black community, a new generation of activists, students, and socially conscious people are coming from all around the world to make history in St. Petersburg, FL in the Freedom Summer Project of 2011.

The concept of the “Freedom Summer” originates from the civil rights era of the 1960s. In the year of 1964 the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) organized the legendary Mississippi Freedom Summer Project, a massive voter registration drive that forever changed the course of history and ushered in a powerful decade of struggle by oppressed African people that transformed this country and electrified the world. Thousands of white students and others made history by joining in solidarity with the movement for black freedom and converging on Mississippi and other parts the South to stand up to white terror and support the movement of African people rising up out of centuries of enslavement, Jim Crow, lynchings and poverty.

The Uhuru Movement is calling on white students and friends from all walks of life to once again stand with the struggle for black freedom in the St Petersburg Freedom Summer Project, July 9 – August 9.

Under the leadership of Chairman Omali Yeshitela, who was a SNCC organizer in the 60s and leads the Uhuru Movement today, the St. Pete Freedom Summer Project will push forward the ongoing struggle to defend the democratic rights of the African community and put the agenda of the black community back on the table.

Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964

The Sixties Are Over, but the Conditions Have Not Changed – St Pete is Mississippi

It is widely understood that Africans in this country were blatantly oppressed during the 1950s and 60s. But as quiet as it's kept in the mainstream media, the conditions faced by the African community in 2011 are equally devastating.

The African working class has been forced to bear the brunt of a profound economic recession that has steadily widened the gap between black poverty and white wealth.

With over three million African people nationally locked into the prison system—behind bars, awaiting trial or on parole through discriminatory sentencing laws feeding a multi-billion dollar prison industry— there are more black people tied to the prison system today than were enslaved in 1850.

South St. Pete under siege, 2011

Besieged by SWAT teams and highly armed militarized police forces, black communities all over this country resemble a US war zone in the Middle East in stark contrast to the peaceful tree-lined neighborhoods of white suburban America.

Since the year 2000 the wealth gap between black families and their white counterparts has widened annually and African unemployment is nearly double that of white people. Targeted by the big banks for discriminatory subprime mortgages hundreds of thousands of African families lost their homes in the first round of foreclosures in 2007.

In St Petersburg, FL conditions of African people are similar to Mississippi with nearly three quarters of the black community living at or near poverty and only 21 percent of African males graduating high school with a diploma.

USM National Convention will build up to the St Pete Freedom Summer Project!

At the upcoming national convention of the USM, themed “Resistance is the Future: Solidarity with African Liberation,” the leadership of the Uhuru Movement will specifically address the white community about the significance of organizing in genuine solidarity with the African community in the struggle for freedom and independence and the USM as the organization that provides us the ability to take that stand.

Chairman Omali Yeshitela, the leader and founder of the Uhuru Movement, will be the keynote speaker at the convention. Penny Hess, chairperson of the African People's Solidarity Committee, will give a presentation on the role of white people in the African Liberation Movement.

Chairman Omali Yeshitela (pictured here in the 1960s) carries the struggle forward into the new era

The Freedom Summer Project will be discussed in detail. Attendees of the convention will be mobilized to join the Freedom Summer and become active participants in the creation of a new world free from exploitation and oppression. Attendees will also benefit from workshops that provide the tools to organize in our own communities.

One of the original Freedom Riders who was arrested in 1961, Richard Gleason, reflected in a recent interview: "I hope young people have a sense of history, but more than that, I hope that they will be inspired to carry the torch on. It's time for each of us to pick up our torch and do what we can for the good of humanity." The Uhuru Movement triumphantly carries on the torch of freedom into a new era of struggle. As a new world struggles to be born, now is our time to decide what side of history we are going to be on.

The old ways of injustice, slavery, and colonialism are dying out, but Resistance is the Future! Solidarity with African Liberation!

Take a stand on the side of the African Liberation Movement! JOIN USM TODAY! Become a Sustaining Member!


Are you in a student group or social justice organization who might be interested in the convention and the summer project? LET US KNOW at

Even if you can't make it to the convention, HELP PROMOTE IT ONLINE! Join the CyberOutreach Team!




Monday, May 9, 2011

Uhuru Solidarity Movement Convention: No phony antiwar movement!

Stand in solidarity with the liberation of African and all oppressed peoples—the only path to real peace on the planet!

On June 4 and 5, 2011 the Uhuru Solidarity Movement will hold its National Convention “Resistance is the Future: Solidarity with African Liberation”, in Philadelphia, PA. The USM Convention is for white people and other allies of the liberation struggle of African people—inside this country, in Africa, the Caribbean and the world.

The Convention will align white people, who are looking for a real stand of solidarity and unity with reparations to African people to get involved. The two-day event will include workshops and presentations from the leadership of the African Liberation Movement in the U.S. in order to forge genuine unity with its goals for self-determination and justice.

Uhuru Solidarity Movement, working directly under the leadership of the African-led Uhuru Movement, is for white people who are tired of empty talk and want to take action that can make real changes not through a single issue but through real transformation of the world.

USM is an activist movement: organizing fundraising for reparations to African people, taking a stand in support of organized African resistance to US government attacks on the African community and engaging others like ourselves in the war of ideas on the side of justice for African and oppressed peoples of the earth.

After George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in the U.S. in protest.

Although his successor Barack Obama has brutally expanded U.S. wars of occupation in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and elsewhere, with U.S. forces stationed at more than 800 military bases around the world, there is deafening silence from the predominately white so-called “peace” movement.

Glen Ford, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report and member of the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations (BIBC) -- one of the key presenters at the upcoming Uhuru Solidarity Movement Convention “Resistance is the Future,” -- recently addressed the white “anti-war” movement in his May 3, 2011 commentary called “The Phony Anti-war Movement.” The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations is an historic African-led anti-war coalition whose mere existence is a criticism of the traditional anti-war movement.

“Two university researchers have proven, by the numbers,” Ford writes, “what the real antiwar movement has known for years: that many of the folks who turned out in such large numbers to demonstrate against America’s wars when George Bush was president, were really only opposed to Republican wars. Thus when Barack Obama captured the White House, the so-called antiwar movement largely collapsed.”

Ford goes on to cite a new study by University of Michigan and Indiana University researchers, that the majority of the antiwar movement were Democrats who were motivated by their dislike of Bush rather than genuine opposition to US wars of occupation.

Noting that while Obama has expanded Bush’s wars, Ford quotes one of the authors of the report as saying the, “antiwar movement should have been furious at Obama’s ‘betrayal’ and reinvigorated its protest activity. Instead ‘attendance at antiwar rallies declined precipitously and financial resources available to the movement have dissipated.’”

The Black is Back Coalition held a conference in March of this year in Washington, DC, bringing together activists, leaders and others from the African community and their allies challenging the white left and galvanizing an African-led movement in opposition to Obama’s “other wars.”

The other wars include not only the continuing US wars against the people of Iraq and the expanded war against the people of Afghanistan, but also the US backed war against the people of Congo, the US/UN occupation of Haiti, the bombing of Pakistan, and the long-ignored devastating war against the African community inside the US, which has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of victims of police murder and brutality over the past 20 years.

America’s war against black people in this country—a war never acknowledged by the white left—has rounded up millions of African men and women and locked them away for most of their lives in a deadly prison system, based on discriminatory arrest, prosecution and sentencing laws.

The Democratic party-loving white antiwar movement, which has historically walked over the besieged African community right here to get to a peace rally, prefers a Democrat, especially Barack Obama, to carry out the U.S. wars of plunder and occupation inside this country and around the world.

The Uhuru Solidarity Movement unites with the criticism of the white left and peace movement by Glen Ford and by the Black is Back Coalition.

We recognize that the white peace movement is only interested in an imperialist peace, not liberation for oppressed and colonized peoples struggling against US war not only around the world but in the inner cities of this country. The traditional white left anti-war movement is aligned with the Democratic Party. The fact is that they reap real material benefits as part of the oppressor nation who as workers robbed the native people of their land and resources.

We are white people, organized under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party which leads the Uhuru Movement. We are tired of the talk fests and the ideological imperialism of a white left that struggles to perpetuate white power in a kinder, gentler form rather than recognize that the only force that has ever changed the world is African and other colonized peoples in the struggle against US imperial domination.

We recognize that as Chairman Omali Yeshitela, founder of BIBC tells us, we have to stand against imperialism itself, a system born of slavery, genocide and colonialism and fed throughout its entire existence on wars of occupation and plunder of the resources, land and labor of colonized peoples around the world.

As white people we recognize that all of us sit on a pedestal that rests on the backs of Africans, Indigenous, Arab and other peoples for our benefit. Everything we got comes at their expense. Can you name something that wasn’t grown on stolen or occupied land or wasn’t made in a sweatshop in a formerly colonized country? Keeping the US in control of the world’s resources, battling other former colonial countries who are now struggling to compete with imperialism, is why the increasingly desperate US is waging increasingly vicious wars.

We recognize that “America” that was stolen from the Indigenous people with their survivors now living in terrible poverty on “reservations.” America was built on enslaved African labor that created the wealth, jobs and prosperity of the US and Europe to begin with.

We’re not looking for a kinder, gentler way to suck the blood of the oppressed whether they are in Libya or the south side of Chicago.

We believe that genuine peace can only come about when Indigenous people, including the Mexican people streaming across the borders of land stolen from them 150 years ago, have control of their land and resources again.

There will only be peace when the people of the Middle East can use their oil and other resources to feed and house their own people without the US military and corporations stealing them and assaulting their society.

There will only be peace when African people—one nation of people in Africa and wherever they have been forcibly dispersed around the world—have control over their homeland still under neocolonial control and all its vast resources and win reparations for 600 years of stolen labor and land.

There can be no peace in an imperialist world that feeds itself at the expense of everybody else.

Peace and justice for us all, white people included, means standing on the side of solidarity with African people and the majority of humanity and in their struggle for national liberation. Down with imperialism!


Attend the Uhuru Solidarity Movement Convention “Resistance is the Future: Solidarity with African Liberation” on June 4-5, 2011 in Philadelphia, PA. For details about the program and to register, go to:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama bin Laden may be dead, but America's wars are far from over! Victory to the oppressed peoples of the world!

Osama bin Laden may be dead, but America's wars are far from over! Victory to the oppressed peoples of the world!

As we near the 11th year of the US government's brutal colonial war of occupation against the people of Afghanistan, North Americans around the country are celebrating the reported killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan on the 1st of May, 2011, while others are questioning the US government's actions.

The Uhuru Solidarity Movement calls on North Americans and Europeans to see the world from another perspective – the point of view of oppressed people who are struggling for national liberation from US and Western imperialism. We call on the Euro-American population to join in solidarity with the masses of humanity. When African, Arab, Indigenous, and other oppressed peoples are victorious in the global struggle against exploitation and colonial domination, then we can come together as a human family and celebrate the dawn of a new world free from oppression and suffering.

We call on progressive Euro-Americans to join USM and register for the upcoming June 4th and 5th National Convention of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement in Philadelphia, PA, “Resistance is the Future! Solidarity with African Liberation” where the topics of the genocidal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will be discussed along with the brutal war against the African community right here.

Register now:

On May 1, 2011, the US government announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed inside Pakistan by Navy Seals in a heavily fortified compound just a mile from the Pakistani army’s principal military academy. The CIA operation was carried out by 25 Navy Seals under the command of the Joint Special Operations Command.

If the murder happened the way the U.S. said it occurred, without the knowledge of the Pakistani government, which is doubtful, then it was a unilateral act of war that violated the sovereignty of Pakistan where the US military is slaughtering men, women, and children with unmanned drones on a regular basis.

Bin Laden's corpse was reportedly “buried at sea” in a sealed cement box, with others killed in the attack. Now that the evidence has been dispensed into the ocean, it is unknown whether the body actually belonged to Osama bin Laden. If it was bin Laden, the method of urgent disposal destroyed all evidence that would have revealed the real circumstances surrounding his death. Already the U.S. is having to admit that he was unarmed, retreating from the initial statement that bin Laden engaged them in an armed struggle.

Blood can be seen on the floor where Bin Laden was killed

Regardless of these suspicious circumstances, the news of bin Laden's death, along with the supposed birth certificate presented by Obama to quash suspicions that he was not a “true American,” were intended to boost support for the increasingly unpopular president in this period of US imperialism 's ever-deepening decline. Moreover, the death of Osama bin Laden was intended to reassure North Americans that the wars of occupation against the people of Afghanistan and Iraq were justifiable.

Imperialism in decline attempts to rescue itself at the expense of oppressed peoples

This was the act of a desperate imperialism in collapse enacting one more ploy to attempt to save itself at the expense of oppressed peoples of the world.

In the face of the growing resistance on the part of millions of people throughout the Middle East and Africa, the killing of Bin Laden was supposed to be an act of vengeance from a world power in decline, an attempt to intimidate oppressed peoples everywhere who are standing up for liberation, justice and control of their lives, land and resources.

While many North Americans celebrated this act of war and white nationalist aggression, there were many who questioned and denounced it as yet another brutal attack on the peoples of the world.

Osama bin Laden's relationship with US goes back to the 1970s

Osama bin Laden is the Saudi-born figurehead of al-Qaeda who was accused of masterminding the bombings of the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001. To this day, the US has failed to provide any real evidence that bin Laden played an operational role in the 9/11 attacks. The US government emphasized bin Laden's supposed involvement in 9/11 to justify a military invasion of Afghanistan where bin Laden and the al-Qaeda network were based at the time.

The reality is that the relationship between the US government and bin Laden goes back to the 1970s when, under the James Earl Carter administration, the CIA trained and armed bin Laden and other Muslim resistance fighters to overturn the Soviet-backed leftwing government of Afghanistan. This covert operation was led by Carter's national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who still acts as advisor to the Obama administration.

Brzezinski and Osama bin Laden, 1979

US wages brutal colonial wars against oppressed peoples of the world

Under the guise of hunting down Osama bin Laden and waging a “war on terror,” the US government carries out a vicious campaign of brutality, terror, and slaughter against the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and most recently in Pakistan.

US troops have mutilated, raped, tortured, and murdered thousands of Afghan men, women and children. Under Obama, the US has launched missile strikes targeting Pakistani children with unmanned drones. US soldiers in Afghanistan, as part of a self-described “Kill Team,” photographed themselves gunning down civilians and posing in photos with their severed limbs and mutilated corpses, similar to how white people in the US would send postcards and collect body parts after carrying out the lynchings of Africans.

CIA targets Pakistani children with drone strikes

At the same time, the US is engaged in numerous “Other Wars,” as described by the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, such as the permanent war against Africa, the war against Mexicans and other Indigenous peoples, and the war of police occupation against the domestically colonized African community right here inside US borders.

More recently, the US has been waging a military invasion of Libya as part of an overall strategy to increase its colonial grip on Africa's resources. The US invaders have spilt the blood of hundreds of Libyan civilians, and the US even murdered the son and grandchildren of the Libyan leader, Colonel Gadhafi, in an effort to assassinate Colonel Gadhafi himself.

Imperialist white power is responsible for 500 years of terror against colonized people

The US government, in spite of its vocal protestations against “terror,” is indeed the greatest purveyor of terrorism on the planet earth. Neocolonial puppet president Obama, Hilary Clinton, Brzezinski, the Bush family, and the entire US government represent a continuous, 500-years-long history of terrorism against colonized and oppressed peoples for the material benefit of the general European and North American population.

In fact, the struggle of oppressed peoples for national liberation and control over their land and resources has historically been characterized as “terrorism” by the white ruling class. Recently a prosecutor in a US war court regarding the use of military commissions at Guantanamo compared Al Qaeda to the Seminole Indians in their style of warfare against US targets. The CIA's codename for bin Laden was “Geronimo.”

In another example, International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement President Diop Olugbala was placed on a terrorist watch-list compiled by the Israeli-based Institute for Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR) for InPDUM's work in exposing the US war on the African community and defending the democratic rights of African people everywhere. The label of “terrorism” has always been used by white power to demonize and discredit the struggle against colonial oppression.

InPDUM President Diop Olugbala placed on "terrorist watch-list"

US colonizes Afghanistan to plunder its resources

The US war against Afghanistan is not a war against “terrorism” but a war to colonize Afghanistan under US control for the benefit of US business interests in the Middle East. It is part of the global imperialist strategy to keep the masses of the nonwhite world separated from their resources and denied control over their own land, lives, and destinies.

US imperialism in crisis has become desperate for the oil and other resources of the Arab world and Southern Asia. U.S. control over these resources is essential if the US is to maintain its position as the world's leading imperialist power. As the rising economies of China, Russia and Japan increasingly pose a threat to the global supremacy of the US economy, control over the resources of the Middle East would give the U.S. unrivaled power to advance the interests of white power and parasitic capitalism.

One of the most lucrative resources in Afghanistan is opium, but in 2000, prior to the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the Taliban had almost completely eliminated the export of opium and banned its production.

Since the US invasion began in 2001, Afghanistan has gone from no opium trade to providing 93 percent of the world's heroin exports, including about 60 percent of heroin exports to the United States where the massive profits are laundered through Wall Street banks.

US wages war against African community colonized within US borders

Meanwhile, in the African community, small-time drug dealers are locked up en masse for participating in an illegal drug economy imposed on their communities by the same vicious imperialism that economically under-develops and systematically oppresses the African community and other oppressed peoples around the world.

The relationship between the war against the people of Afghanistan and the African community in the US has even deeper implications beyond the role of the illegal drug trade. In both cases, the US colonialist-capitalist North American state wages colonial wars of occupation to undermine their struggles for national liberation and self-determination.

This is how the United States was born and this is how the US continues to keep itself alive. Would the United States exist if not for the enslavement of African people and the ongoing genocide of Africans, Arabs, and other oppressed peoples throughout the world? As Chairman Omali Yeshitela of the African People's Socialist Party says, “No, No, No, and a thousand times: No!”

Parasitic capitalism is dying

Osama bin Laden may be dead, but the US government has already made it clear that their so-called “war on terror” is far from over. This is because the US government's colonial wars never really had anything to do with bin Laden. In the words of Chairman Yeshitela, US imperialism is a dying system that is thrashing about in a death-bed agony of endless wars. Bin Laden may be dead, but the real cause for celebration is the fact that US Empire is on its last leg. White power is collapsing.

The most terroristic, violent, brutal governmental entity on the face of the planet earth is inching closer and closer toward its inevitable demise. The oppressed peoples of the world – from Egypt to Detroit, from the Arab masses in Afghanistan to the African community in St. Petersburg, FL – are rising up in a righteous and powerful resistance to white power and imperialism.

USM calls for solidarity with the oppressed peoples of the world

Our solidarity lies not with the parasitic capitalist economy of the US government but with the just struggles of the oppressed.

The Uhuru Solidarity Movement is an organization of Euro-Americans and other allies of the African Liberation Movement who recognize that we do not have to passively accept the role of complicity prescribed for us by the white ruling class. Complicity with imperialism is not a sustainable option. It will lead only to further death, destruction, and chaos.

For Euro-Americans who strive to build a new world of peace, justice and freedom, the only sensible stance is to reject the system of imperialism and actively organize in material solidarity with the national liberation struggles of the African community and oppressed peoples around the world! We say that it is not enough to call for “peace”; we must unite with the demand for VICTORY TO THE OPPRESSED PEOPLES OF THE WORLD! Victory to the people of Afghanistan! Victory to the people of Iraq! Victory to the people of Palestine! Victory to the people of Libya! Victory to the African community in the US and around the world! Down with U.S. Imperialism!

We invite you to join us at the upcoming national convention of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, where featured speakers such as Chairman Omali Yeshitela, leader and founder of the Uhuru Movement and Chairman of the African Socialist International, will be presenting on topics such as the growing resistance of the people to US war against African people and oppressed peoples worldwide and the role of Euro-Americans in solidarity with the African Liberation Movement.

The convention, titled, “Resistance is the Future! Solidarity with African Liberation,” will be held on June 4-5 in Philadelphia, PA. We call on you to register for this historically significant national convention and take a stand on the side of oppressed people in the just struggle for freedom and self-determination!

Join the Uhuru Solidaritry Movement! Go to!

Register for the convention!






Sunday, May 1, 2011

FREE MUMIA! Put the State on trial! Solidarity with African Liberation!

Put the State on trial!
Solidarity with African Liberation!

The Uhuru Solidarity Movement is holding its national convention on June 4-5 to build solidarity with the movement that will resolve the problems of mass incarceration of Africans such as political prisoner Mumia Abu- Jamal. The convention, titled "Resistance is the Future! Solidarity with African Liberation" is being held in Philadelphia, PA where Mumia has been locked up on death row for the past 30 years.

Free Mumia and all African political prisoners!
Stop the war against the African community!

Bowing to the pressure of the growing resistance of African people in the US, on Tuesday, April 26, 2011, the US government declared that the 1982 death sentence for African political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal was in violation of their own US constitution.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit concluded that at the time of Mumia's sentencing, the jury was misled about the process for considering evidence supporting a life sentence. If this decision is upheld it will allow Mumia to have a new sentencing hearing. Despite the fact that Mumia’s death penalty sentence was changed to life in prison in 2002, he has remained on the PA Death Row.

Mumia Abu Jamal is an African journalist and revolutionary who has been on death row for nearly 30 years for allegedly resisting a white police officer who was brutally assaulting Mumia's brother, resulting in the officer's death.

This recent partial victory in Mumia’s case signifies the weakness of imperialism. However, the Uhuru Solidarity Movement believes that Mumia deserves neither the death penalty nor a life sentence. We demand the immediate release of Mumia and all other imprisoned soldiers of the African Liberation Movement. We uphold the right of African people to resist all forms of police and military occupation, so regardless of whether the evidence put forward to convict him was “legitimate” in the eyes of the colonial court, Mumia must be free!

The reality is that Mumia Abu Jamal is in prison right now because of his revolutionary political activities during the Black Revolution of the Sixties. Mumia was a leading member of the Philadelphia chapter of the Black Panther Party, an organization that was systematically destroyed by the US government through the FBI counterinsurgency program called COINTELPRO.

During the period of his arrest, Mumia was an outspoken supporter of an African organization called MOVE. MOVE was also targeted by the US government counterinsurgency, resulting in the US government dropping a bomb on the MOVE headquarters in Philadelphia in 1985, murdering 11 African people including men, women, and children. Mumia's imprisonment is a consequence of the same US government's vicious counterinsurgency war against the internally colonized African nation.

The Uhuru Solidarity Movement organizes under the leadership of the African People's Socialist Party to build material solidarity with the African-led struggle to completely overturn the system, to bring about the necessary conditions for the liberation of Mumia as well as the other 1.5 million African people who are locked up in colonial prisons inside this country.

USM organizes in solidarity with Mumia and the African Liberation Movement.

USM is holding its national convention this year, "Resistance is the Future! Solidarity with African Liberation", in Philadelphia on June 4-5, where Mumia's case will be discussed in a presentation by featured speaker Pam Africa, a member of MOVE and the Chair of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal.

We invite all progressive Euro-Americans and other allies to take a stand on the side of the oppressed African community and register to attend this historically significant national convention! Go to for more information!